"I have been riding and owning horses since I was 7 yrs old starting in 1976. I did most of the horse training myself learning via books and at various clinic lessons. Until I had some traumatic horse accidents these past five years, I realized, finally, that I was missing something and needed to approach the horse with a fresh attitude. I was ready to totally give up on my mare! Luckily, I heard of Sam and started working with her 3 years ago. I realized I lacked the profound knowledge needed to truly bond with my horses. To speak their language. To teach them to fully trust me and my leadership. My mare and I have a whole new relationship now. It's wonderful! We both look forward to being with each other. We slowed everything down, took a deep breath, and went back to basics. I am so thankful for Sam and her gentle, knowledgeable wisdom- Jemmie is thankful too!♡" Cassandra, CA
Sign up with Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey for horsemanship courses, horse training options, horseback riding lessons, groundwork horse sessions, horse webinars, private and group horsemanship clinics, Remote Horse Coaching, and more.
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Building Confidence in the Horse and Human
Horse Help: What am I missing?
Pressure Points: Unintentional Human Communication
Horsemanship: Mechanical vs Mental Engagement Webinar
Mindful Significance Horsemanship 3-part Series
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